Counselor's Corner

Elementary school is an exciting time of learning and growing, and students are exploring many new emotions as they navigate this time in their lives. As your child's school counselor, I am dedicated to providing a data-driven comprehensive, responsive, and preventive counseling program that fosters all student's social-emotional, academic, and career development. I deliver multiple tiers of counseling support to students through whole group (classroom) counseling lessons, small group opportunities targeting a specific skill or issue, and individual counseling sessions for students needing short-term (6-8 sessions) solution-focused interventions. If an issue or skill appears to interfere with a child's academic or social experience at school, I encourage both teachers and parents to consider requesting the student join a small group, or to receive short-term, individual counseling services by filling out counseling referral form that you can find on left tab.
This webpage provides information about Counseling services at Lobo Elementary as well as some resources you can use at home. Should you have any questions or concerns about your student or the school counseling program, please feel free to call the school or email me.
Mrs. Aliaga-
Lobo Elementary School Counseling
Lobo Elementary School Counseling![]()
- The mission of Capistrano Unified School District School Counselors is to provide a comprehensive counseling program that supports the whole child. School Counselors will focus on the needs, interests and issues related to social-emotional, academic, and college/career development of all students through a multi-tiered system of support. School Counselors will advocate, collaborate and facilitate actions that promote a positive school climate, provide an opportunity for all students to access their education and achieve personal and academic success to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
- The School Counseling Program strives to provide opportunities so that every student will acquire the social-emotional, academic, and career skills to reach their fullest educational potential and successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent, and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.

School Counselors are bound by confidentiality. Conversations between the student and counselor are considered confidential. However, there are exceptions to this confidentiality. If a counselor has reason to believe that a student is being abused, neglected or is a danger to himself/herself or others, the counselor has the legal, ethical and professional responsibility to report such concerns to the parents or the appropriate authorities.

The Second Step program is a social-emotional learning curriculum delivered via classroom guidance lessons by the School Counselor to all students. Second Step is designed to promote skills and attitudes that increase students' success in school, help them get along with others, and create a positive school climate in order to prevent school violence and bullying.
Parents and guardians can access more information through entering this activation code on
Kindergarten: SSPK FAMI LY70
Grade 1: SSP1 FAMI LY71
Grade 2: SSP2 FAMI LY72
Grade 3: SSP3 FAMI LY73
Grade 4: SSP4 FAMI LY74
Grade 5: SSP5 FAMI LY75